Want to land the job of your dreams? Struggling to get an interview? Not sure how to write a resume? Come to this workshop!
Join us Tuesday (10/29) from 2-3pm during community hours for Employment Through Empowerment, a workshop focused on assisting LGBTQ+ job seekers. Rainbow Center volunteer Carmen Mazzarella has twenty years of experience in recruiting at big tech companies and wants to share her expertise with the community. She'll cover resume writing tips, interview preparation, and advice on how to tackle various barriers to job hunting. Whether you're looking to make a career change or working to land your first job, Carmen is looking forward to helping you build your confidence and access opportunities you may be missing.
After the workshop, feel free to stick around until community hours end at 4pm to get one-on-one assistance with your job hunt questions from her or our education manager, Mary Woodard. Our library will also be available for community members who wish to use our computers to put Carmen's lessons into action by revising resumes or accessing job boards. We're here to help!
No sign ups necessary and this workshop is free to the community. Rainbow Center opens at 1pm for community hours, so feel free to drop in early and grab some coffee or tea! We look forward to seeing you there 🌈🌈🌈